I believe Ningxia Red is the most nutritious and health restoring and preserving food/drink in the world. I have studied a lot about nutrition in a quest to help my self and my family and friends with physical and emotional problems. I believe Ningxia is key to getting and staying healthy.
Do you know what the ORAC scale is? This scale was developed by scientists at Tufts University for the US Department of Agriculture. ORAC stands for: Oxygen Radical Apsorption Capacity. The higher the ORAC score, the more capable a particular food or oils is of destroying free radicals, thus potentially preventing disease and retarding the aging process.
Antioxidant scores for:
Carrots: 210 Oranges: 750 Beets: 840 Raspberries: 1,220 Strawberries: 1,540 Bluberries:2,400 Wolfberries: 25,300
Drinking 1 oz of Ningxia Red has the antioxidant power of:
- 4 pounds of carrots 18 amino acids
- 2 quarts of carrot juice 21 trace minerals
- More bets carotene than carrots 6 essential fatty acids
- 8 oranges Vitamins: A, B1, B6, 100% B2, 300% vitamin C, 90% vitamin E,
- 1 pint of orange juice 10% calcium, 24% potassium, 100% iron, 91% selenium, 18% zinc
- 2 pomegranates Essential Oils: Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Yuzu
- 1 plum
- 2 pounds of beets
- 2 cups of beet juice
- 3 cups of raspberries
- 2 cups of blueberries
- 1 cup cherries
- 1 cup of aronia berries
- Grapefruit seed extract
Can you imagine how the cells in your body respond to this? I know how great I feel. It's like restoring that beautiful Ferrari you were born with. Instead of putting suger in the tank and your beautiful car turning into a rusty clunker. You never thought it could be beautiful again. Well...... It can!!!! Try Ningxia Red for 30 days and you will never be withouit it again.